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Answers with Tag: Ummah

To whom does the Ayat of fasting apply?

Does deodorant spray going through throat break fast?

Can I take out an interest bearing loan?

Questions Regarding Women


Question on Durood-e-Tunjina

Question on Teaching 40 Ahaadith

Question: Q1-Those things which are Haraam on this nation like 1-Pork 2-silk and gold for males 3-alcohol  4-Meat which is slaughtered without Bismillah etc, was it Haraam on the previous nations as well? could you please give answer in detail Jazakumullah. Q2-The method of praying Salaat was it the same method for the previous nations?

Who is a Mujaddid?

Reward for Learning Forty Du’aas

Wearing gold and silver rings

What can we do for our brothers and sisters in Syria?

Recitng the Quran in a singing manner.

How to explain the feeling of divorcing sawdah rad.

Which rings allowed for men?