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Answers with Tag: Ummah


Will the Quran still be the kalam of Allah if written in a language other than Arabic?

Can I recite the holy Quran in English if I cannot read Arabic?

Where can I purchase Sahīh al-Bukhārī?

Explanation of Hadith pertaining to following dajjāl

Cleaning the Masjid

I just wanted to know what the ruling is in Islam regarding men wearing red shirts/clothes.

Definition of Fi Sabililah in Zakat

Is it permissible to use black hair dye?

Supplication for a Spouse

Can we travel with the intention of only visiting the grave of Nabī Sallallāhu Alaihi Wa Sallam?

How should I make up the fast that I missed during my periods over the years?

If one misses his Esha Salat is it permissible for him to perform the first two rakats of his Esha Salat with the Taraweh Jamat and then continue on his own?

Regarding the proceeds, doesn’t the money have to be in your possession for a year before it is zakaatable

I would like to ask 2 questions: 1) Can the qur’aan be physically held to recite suraahs in Taraweeh? 2) Can a female perform I’tiqaaf?