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Answers with Tag: Traveller

Can we offer nafil namaaz or sajdas between Asar and Maghrib?

How to Pray while Travelling for Work

Is a man travelling more than 78 km considered a musafir?

Is Jama Bainas Salatain a Viable Option for Frequent Travelers?

Is it permissible to sleep in a mosque and go on a 40-day Chilla?

Is it permissible to attend the iftaar in the masjid if some people earn their income unethically?

Praying Asr With Zuhr Prayer

Can a traveller who was robbed accept zakāt funds if he still has access to his bank account?

Musafir praying behind a muqeem

Leaking urine problem

Assalamu alaykum Shaykh, If the fast of a person in Ramadhan is broken, should this person continue to abstain from eating or drinking throughout the rest of the day? 1) What should be done when fast is broken in a manner which requires only Kaffarah? 2) What should be done when fast is broken in a manner which requires both Qadha & Kaffarah?

Praying With Shoes Whilst On A Journey

Would masah khuffain break if water seeps into the khuff?

Some masaails (rulings) regarding Hajj

Is Jummah salah obligatory in this situation