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Answers with Tag: sunan

Ibn ‘Umar’s (radiyallahu ‘anhuma) description of Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)

Whoever seeks a position of authority will be left to himself unassisted

The earth and heaven weep when a Believer passes away

Making du’a during ease to ensure that one’s du’as are answered during the time of difficulty

The incitement of Shaytan and the encouragement of the Angels

Du’a on two occasions are seldom rejected

White clothing are the best of clothes

Virtue of fasting one day in the path of Allah

The poor entering Jannah earlier than the rich

Missing three Jumu’ahs

The reward for giving a thirsty believer something to drink

Four essential things man needs and will not be questioned about if acquired through halal sources

Applying kuhl/antimony before sleeping

The Hadith narrator, Sharik ibn ‘Abdillah ibn Abi Sharik An Nakha’i

The tears of the inhabitants of Jahannam