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Answers with Tag: study

Where do the souls go after death?

Does the father have child custody rights upon divorce?

Can you please enumerate the swords of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam?

Emailing non-mahram boys

In regards to copyright with relation to books which are used as study material: Can such books be copied without any profit being made from it?

Amlak of MCCA

Alcohol in coke and pepsi

Legal Status of Following a Tariqah

Is it ok for a women to study with a male Sheikh?

How to Handle the Qur’an and its Translation, Touching the Qur’an without Wudu

Wife living with the husbands parents whilst he is studying

What is Fiqh

Touching male patients in the course of studies

Talaq in the future tense

Tajweed & Hifz