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Answers with Tag: Shafi

Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) in the bathroom: is it offensive?

Is it haram to speak in other than Arabic?

Friday Prayer with Less than 40 People

My Hanafi Imam Made Sujud al-Sahw

Zakat: Debts, Zakat, and Sadaqa

Zuhr as a Hanafi?

Surah Sad: Prostration, Hanafis, and Aqida

From the Diwan of Imam Shafi’i

Translated by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Is it permissible for a woman to dye her hair? What is the ruling for one who is married and for one who is unmarried in the Shafi’I school? Is it permissible to use commercial hair dyes?

A woman living alone in a foreign country

Baseless misgivings during ghusl

Is it disliked to pray on a prayer-mat that has a picture of a mosque on it?

Hadith for Beards

Cat Hair

Proof of the positioning of the feet