Home » Posts tagged 'sexual intercourse' (Page 7)

Answers with Tag: sexual intercourse

Online Marriage: A Contract, a Lie, and a Legal Battle

Can a Kasam be Broken?

Condoms for Pleasure: Permissible or Not?

Three talaaqs after khalwat

Having relations with one’s wife before tawaaf-e-ziyaarah

Is it mandatory to pay fidya in the following situation?

Killing an Innocent Person

Is it permissible to have sexual intercourse if i suspect my period is stopped or ending before the usual

Will illegitimate child enter Jannah ?

Qualities of a Mu’min

Hate the sin not the sinner

Hate the sin not the sinner

Is the fast invalidated in the following scenarios?

Discussing aspects about Islam with a non-Muslim

Having relations more than once in one night