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Answers with Tag: sex

If questions related to sex are discuss so openly there is a chance of people doing the same,if someone get spoil and start doing the same

My wife cooks too much food and it is wasted. Should I punish her or not do anything since she is such a good cook and keeps me happy with sexual items?

Is it haram to have sex in whole Ramzaan or is it just during fasting time?

Is it ok for a husband to perform oral sex on his wife? Also can husband/wife masturbate each other and show private parts?

Is it permissable to use ‘sex toys'(eg vibrator) when having relations with ones spouse

I would like to know that can a man have sex with two or more of his wives in one room.

I was considering proposing to a girl, but just found out from her that she is not a virgin(sex b4 marriage).I am very upset at this but still love her.Should I still consider marriage 2 her?

1- I would like to ask you about the using some medication for purpose of sex for normal person is it permissible to use such things, Medicines & Equipments.

I would like to know is it good or bad when a single muslim person has dreams about intercourse.

Respected Mufti Saab, I would like to ask you weather drinking milk of one’s wife is Haram or is not?

Must a woman always follow her husband to bed?

Is it a sin to chat in chat rooms?

Marrying convert

So much certainty and not give proof

Please tell me that if married man approach to his wife from the back then is the nikah expires?