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Answers with Tag: sex

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Use of hand to give pleasure to wife/husband, is it allowed?

Where in koran does it say that boyfriend-girlfriend relationship is forbidden,including that they do nothing wrong?

Can a woman respond to a non-mahram shopkeeper’s salaam while shopping for her family?

Can couples have sex or foreplay during Ramadan?

How can I seek forgiveness from Allah for homosexual acts with my male best friend?

Why is pork forbidden in Islam?

Is it okay for Muslim friends to joke and talk to boys on MSN without committing a sin?

Can spouses engage in sexual activities through online communication?

Can engaged couples have physical contact besides sex?

Can Muslims have a non-sexual homosexual relationship?

Does uttering “Haraam hai Tu Mere par” unintentionally during a sexual refusal affect my marriage?

Is Oral Sex Halal or Haram?

Doctors and the Issue of Seclusion with the Opposite Gender

A relative of mine who is Muslim got his girlfriend pregnant. He is not planning to stay with her and she is not Muslim. He knows that if she has the baby- the baby will be raised as a non-Muslim and she does not come from a good family. He was trying to convince her to have an abortion but I told him an abortion is haram since there is no danger to the mother. He wants to know if he can convince her to have an abortion since he does not want the baby to be raised with her when and if they split. He is considering staying with her if she stays pregnant so the baby is raised as a Muslim. She is less than 3 weeks pregnant right now. The first question is: can he try to convince her to have an abortion so that the child is not raised as a non-Muslim if they split. And if he marries her before the baby is born, is the baby still considered illegitimate