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Answers with Tag: sajda

Wearing Cap While Praying

When to Rise up to Complete Remaining Salah In Jama’a

It has come to my knowledge that some people observe certain nawafil Salah by reciting any specific surah a certain number of times (that is more than once) in each raka’ah after reading Surah Fatiha. Sometimes they make an extra sajdah after reading tashahhud and durood and there, they ask for any specific du’a they are in need for. They even call this Salah as Hajat. However I have not come across any kind of this Salah in the Hadith.

Is it permissable to make Dua in sajdah during Salaat

Sajdah tilawah

Reading another surah in the place of surah fatiha by mistake

Offering sajda with gesture

Mixing verses of the quran in salat

Hearing ayat sajda from non baligh

Cannot pray sitting on floor

Will Isa Alayhis Salam be a Prophet after his descention?

The principles of sajdah sahwa

Shall one recite the full tashahud before sajdah sahwe

Reading six rakaats of Zuhr Salah

Kissing the graves of pious people