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Answers with Tag: Sadaqah

What must be done with tax money which was refunded due to charity donations?

Misc- Questions pertaining to Ask Imam

Seeing a deceased person in a dream weeping. What does it mean?

An heir cannot dispose his/her right of inheritance

Taking payout from insurance company

Dream about Husband in car crash

Someone told me that this masjid is built using money from a bank?

Can I use interest money to pay off my student loan?

Specific Niyyat for Nafl Sadaqah

Investing in stock market

Donating with the intention of Fardh Zakat

Whale, crocodile, ants and spider dream interpretation.

How can we calculate the interest of last few years? Can we spend on Masjid toilets to fix it?

Misc. questions regarding sadaqa

Interest bearing student loan