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Answers with Tag: relationship

Issues with aunt

Revealing past to future spouse

How should we deal with Ahmadis?

Boys parents say im too ‘modern’ for him

Car dealer and purchaser

Was the Talaq valid?

Dealing with Husband’s Infidelity

Marriage Breakdown and Wife Divorcing

Living in a Haraam Relationship

I have a 2 part question first I will explain where I am coming from. I have heard in the past that running an employment agency is haram because for example: the agency appoints person A to carry out work for person B, at the end of that week person A had carried out 40 hours of work for which then person B will pay a rate of 10 pounds per hour worked by person A to the employment agency for which in return the agency will then pay person A a rate of 7pounds per hour pocketing the remainder. My understanding of this is was that the pocketing of the remainder would be classed as interest (RIBA) however I wasn’t 100% certain so my question is A. Is it permissible to run an employment agency? B. Is it permissible to work through an employment agency?

What is meant by the hadith: If there is bad omen in anything, it would be in the house, the woman, and the horse?

Posting selfies

Does shariah laws saw that I have to be in contact with my grandmother and other relatives as well other than my father?

I would like to know whether its permissible or impermissible to get discount offer from Bank cards on food outlet?

What is the distance one should keep from a non-mahram?