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Answers with Tag: Ramadan

Is it Makrooh to send zakat money to another country?

Qada’ for Missing Fasts Intentionally

Feeling pain when reading the Quran

Does looking at an inappropriate picture break the fast?

I would like to know regarding the concept of Imsak?

Does vomiting break the fast?

Kaffara for Breaking Ten Fasts

Does a wet dream invalidate a fast?

Bathing naked; performing wudhu bareheaded; ghusl before suhoor; ghusl before doing work

Does watching porn invalidate the fast

Translation of a word in a Hadith of Sahih Muslim regarding sighting of the moon

Recitals for each of the three sets of 10 days of Ramadan

A Hadith on fasting and carrying out other good deeds in Ramadan

Aswad ibn Yazid (rahimahullah) would complete the Quran every second night in Ramadan

A narration regarding Ramadan