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Answers with Tag: Quraan

Making khatam of the Qur’aan Shareef for the marhooms

Praying and Reading Quran with Urinary Incontinence: Islamic Guidelines

Understanding and Supporting Same-Sex Attraction

Learning the Qur’an before accepting Islam

Reciting ayaat from the Qur’an in haidh

Appointing a clean shaven person to give Azaan

Bleeding for more than seven days

Three day and forty day functions after a person passes away

Reciting verses of the Qur’an by memory during haidh

Reading Aayaat of Qur’an and blowing in water, etc

Finding Proper Ruqyah Help in Johannesburg: Quraan and Sunnah Methods

Correcting the Imaam in fardh Salaah

Understanding the Tranquillity Mentioned in Hadeeth 8 of Riyaadus Saliheen Chapter 180

Downloading a Qur’an application on one’s phone

The History and Compilation of the Quran: A Brief Overview