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Answers with Tag: Quraan

SAYING YAZEED “Rahmatullahi Alaih”?

Consulting the father

Wazifa for ease in breastfeeding

Ibrahim’s Dua: Who Does it Include and What About the Polytheists Amongst the Quraysh?

Are Taweez and Water Treatments by Moulanas Permissible in Islam?

Giving a colleague an English translation of the Qur’an

Living in the same room with a Hindu

Abusive Husband Threatens to Ban Wife from Teaching Quran and Driving

Is Cutting Hair Permissible in Islam?

Reading the Qur’an while wearing shoes

Taking a females exam from behind a veil

Khara zabar, zer, pesh etc

The Significance of Black Beads, Chilli on Meat, and Quranic Requirements for Newborns

Reciting Durood before giving Azaan

Holding the Qur’an in a cover without wudhu