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Answers with Tag: Quraan

Celebrating a hifz khatam

Reading wazifahs in the state of haidh or nifaas

Reciting the Quraan Majeed while the azaan is being called out

When to read the dua for memorizing the Quraan

Reason for Allah Ta’ala using “We” in the Quraan instead of “I”

Leading Taraweeh Salaah while looking at the Quraan on a smart watch

Is reciting tasbih (the name of four Khalifa) between 4 rakat and 2 rakat in tarawih lawful or not?

Can I learn the Quran online during my period without touching the words of the Quranic alphabets?

Quraan App on iPhone: Wudhu Required?

Exposing one’s satr in a room wherein there is an Islamic calendar

Imaam taking a salary

Continuously trying to reform one’s life

Deobandis and False Beliefs: A Refutation

The law regarding women cutting or trimming their hair

Is Earning from Organo Gold Haram?