Q: Is it haraam to earn an income from organo gold? It works a lot like blessings/rewards for say teaching quraan and that knowledge being passed on and you getting rewards for that from Allah. In addition to your normal profit of buying and selling, you will get a commission from the company when you bring people on to your team and tutor them and you keep working together and then they brings others and they tutor and work together, the people do not loose money to you for this tutoring and help but the company pays you a commission for this continuous advertising and tutoring you do for others and then they do for others and so on, to keep promoting their company. Is this a haraam income?
A: We are not clear with these types of schemes. Hence, we advise you to refrain.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)