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Answers with Tag: qada

Eating After Dawn & Breaking The Fast For An Invitation

Do You Have to Pray Make Up Prayers in Order?

Difficulty In Finding A Spouse And Losing Hope

Can We Deny Having Committed Sins After We’ve Repented From Them?

Can Supplication Change Destiny?

Can I Delay Fajr Until Late Morning If I Overslept?

Attending Juma, Praying and Fasting While Training to be a Firefighter

Can One Lie About Past Sins?

I wish to perform my Qada (missed Salaat). Is it permissable to skip the present Sunnah Maukidah salaats to give more time to the Fard missed salaat?

Would you please answer the following miscellaneous questions?

Please answer the following.

Please give me the details and rulings of perfroming qada prayers of the past which i have missed at the time of ignorance?

What is SHAB-E-BARAAT? Please quote the Ahadith relating to this. Are there any Hadith that support performing Special Ibadaat during this Night?

Can a person make niyyah for Qadah of a missed fasts and also do niyyah for Shawwal 6 fasts ?

Is it safe to follow the instructions given on www.islamicacademy.com for praying missed Salahs?