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Answers with Tag: pregnant

Is it permissible to ask the doctor whether the child is a boy or girl when one is pregnant?

Is it OK to have an intercourse with pregnant wife?

My wife is pregnant. .. can a male administer the epidural? If so, how should she conduct herself at that time?

How should a woman makes up for the mandatory fasts she misses due to monthly periods?

Marrying convert

Will a gynecology exam involving a vaginal ultrasound break my fast during Ramadan? It is for medical purposes.

Is it allowed for a pregnant lady to perform salat sitting down to avoid discomfort of standing?

When a women gets a divorce, is it true she has to stay in the home for a certain amount of time?

Can a pregnant woman fast during Ramadan in her 5th month?

Is it permissible for pregnant women to perform Isha prayer earlier due to late timings?

What is the Islamic ruling on pregnant women fasting and will they receive extra reward?

Can you suggest an Islamic book for pregnant sisters with duas and wazifahs?

Should I follow my midwife’s advice and not fast during Ramadan while pregnant?

Arabic versions of pregnancy duas and correct spelling of “Istighfaar”?

Does Talaq count if given during wife’s monthly cycle and in a state of extreme anger?