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Answers with Tag: prayers

Suffering from Vasocongestion

How to wash impure clothing?

Imam doing Masah on regular socks

Do I have to repeat prayers behind Imam who wiped over inadequate socks?

Questions about Watn e Asli

I cannot recall how many Salah I have missed and how do I pray Salah if I do not have a lunch break?

How can I get closer to Allah Ta’ala?

Few tayammum questions.

If a woman sees blood on day one, then she sees blood on day 5th after 4 days, is this woman considered as حائضة?

Is our relationship directly with Allah or is it through Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam?

Ex-Murtadd redoing Hajj, Salaah and Zakaah

Is there anything different in performing qadha witr?

Marriage Istikharah

Kaffaarah for perpetual vow

Musafirs Salaah