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Answers with Tag: photos

Islamic Perspective on Modelling and Photography: Haraam or Permissible?

Haafiz predicts my marriage’s downfall: Should I trust his advice?

Taking a photo of a grave with the intention of showing the close family

Is it permissible to send a photo of a bride to the groom?

Should I pay heed to my father or follow the Sunnah?

Snapchat is prohibited along with Skype?

How can I save my marriage?

Question on decorating candles with Mendhi

Can you please explain in details what is the Aqeedah of Ismailis and are they Muslims or not?

What should one do with clothing with animate objects? Please clarify the Hadith of angels not entering the home with pictures in it? Can we accept greetings on non-Islamic festivals and practices?

Taking ID and passport photos

Working for a graphic design company

Muslims Sending Inappropriate Photos on WhatsApp: A Question of Faith and Understanding

Selling a photo with faces of people online

Raising funds with literature containing pictures of people