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Answers with Tag: periods

Advice for sister with irregular bleeding and incorrect clean day counting during haydh masala?

Ruling for a woman clean after traveling 48+ miles during menstruation?

Do unmarried women need to make up missed Ramadan fasts during their period?

Confusion regarding postpartum bleeding and wudu requirements for salah.

Is separation without talaaq still considered marriage and does lack of intercourse break nikah?

When can I start praying after irregular bleeding that lasted for 26 days?

Impermissible Seclusion (khalwah) & Disability

Do all the Imams Agree Neglecting the prayer Continuously Entails Disbelief? (Important Clarification)

I am confused about my monthly periods.

Is it permissible for me to go for Haj before I settle my debts?

Is a menstruating lady allowed to perform Tawāf Al-Ziyārah after the twelfth of Dhul-Hijjah?

Things women cannot do in her menses

Are tampons permissible?

1) During an argument with my wife I said her that go away, leave me, ….Has the talaaq happened? 2) I said my wife that if she will not keep relation my family then I will give you divorce. Where this stands?

How can a husband get pleasure from his wife when she is in her periods, especially when the husband feels a great urge?