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Answers with Tag: niyyah

Making an intention to do a good deed

Is it a Sunnah or Mustahab act to give gifts on the day of Aashura?

The names; Hannah, Zunairah, and Saniyyah

Qurbani being done by Organizations

Please inform me about the rules related to itikaf for women?

Giving Zakaat Money to a Debtor

Is it allowed for her to undergo birth control procedure based on Doctors advice as per the Shariah?

In one journey, how many times can we perform Umrah?

Birth control

My wife wants to have a child but I dont want to have a child

Women travelling in her menses

My Wife has taken Bayah from a shaikh. She is very crazy to learn Tasawwuf.

Can I read the Manzil during Haidh?

I am a revert Muslim. Can I attend a Buddhist family funeral?

Can Husband and wife get intimate with each other on video call?