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Answers with Tag: Nikah

My husband and I have been divorced in an English court. Are we also automatically divorced Islamically?

Responsiblity of fathers to the children ? How can a father be made to be responsible financially in providing for his children and wife ?

Getting married, please e-mail me the terms of a marriage contract and their meaning?

Is listening to Islamic songs such as by Yusuf Islam allowed, as they contain the sound of drums?

I have performed Nikah, but not consumated the marriage as we have not done Walima yet. My wife is violatingmy rights. If i leave her, am i obliged to pay mahr, and if so, what portion?

Marriage problem

If I marry a man in an American court will it be considered marriage in Islam as well?

In many cases where either of the spouses have committed zina you have advised them to seek forgiveness but not to disclose the same to the other partner

Is it wrong to think of Allah when are you taking a shower? For example is it wrong to do dua and ask for forgiveness while you are in the shower?

1). Is nikkah through “proxy” valid? 2). Would it be sufficient to simply say we both agree to marry eachother? 3). How does it have to be worded in order for it to

I’m surprised as to how a father can be given shariah authority by some scholars to break our marriage.

I wanted to know the importance of Walima. My wedding will be done in the following manner. Please advise if correct or not

I converted to Islam for my husband but we never had nikah only got married through the courts. We also have a one year old son. What should I do?

It is allowed in Islam to marry 4 at a time. Why it is prohibited to marry sister of wife when the wife is alive?. Please provide me with detailed answer

I am engaged. Her parents have given permission to make nikkah in secret without my parents knowledge. Is it wrong to do so?