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Answers with Tag: Nafs

From ‘Asad of Sin’ to ‘Asadullah’: My Journey to Seeking Allah’s Guidance

Salaam to a non-mahram

The Arabic text of the following Dua.

Kaffarah or Qadha?

Is it the husband’s responsibility to look after his wife and children and cater for their expenses if they separate?

At which point is it considered Zina?

Is it permissible to treat patients of the opposite gender in Ramadhan?

I am a Muslimah. Can I give Dawah to a non-Muslim male?

I love a girl but cant marry her

Will illegitimate child enter Jannah ?

Tasawwuf Query

What is the difference between Backbiting and Complaining?

My Shaykh asked me not to engage in Tabligh. What should I do?

Can a plumber work in a house where he is alone with a non-Mahram woman?

I refuse to marry unless it’s her