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Answers with Tag: Marriage

Marriage divorce

Is it ok if one follows the rules of wadu according to shafai, rules of salah according to hanafi and rules of marriage according to malaki

My friend was given two divorse in writing, and her iddat started, they got married 1 year back secretly without their parents knowledge. but now the parents wants ger to get married to a person they like, she had asked an excuse and is completing her idaat….

I am a muslimah who has had a sexual relationship outside of marriage….I have reformed myself, ended the sexual relationship, and I am very repentant and remorseful….Should I completely cut ties with him or is it better that we marry each other…

Is it correct to force one’s daughter or son to get married to a person of parents’ chice specifically just because the person choosen by the parents is a relative.

I wish to know what are the duties of a wife towards her inlaws, specially her mother in law?

1. how do i pronounce the name Khidr, 2. what makes humans be ashraful makhlukat when the jins have better capabilities, 3.It is not fardh upon a person to get married if one is able to control his desires in spite of him having the financial means to marry. In such situations, it is sunnah to marry.

Please can you advise me at the correct way a talaq should be done?

I am a hindu boy age 23yrs & I has a few questions relating to Islamic practices & laws.

What are the steps for a newly converted person for marrying a muslim girl, will she just trust him and accept him, he is showing lots of sincerity but what to do?

I want to know if there is such a thing as a conditional nikka where the boy & girl live apart but at their parents homes.

If a woman has a husband, and had zinat (adultry) outside marriage, and had a baby outside marriage herewith, what is the purnishment on this for the woman? And for this, is the lady automatically divorced?

Is a nikah between a ithna ashari (jafri shia) women and a sunni man valid?

If a Muslim woman is involved with non muslim man his religion being “Sikh” and they want to get married…will they be allowed to get married under Shariah.

Why is it so hard for muslim girls of south asian background to get married? Why do Pakistani/Indian parents of men insist that the girl be slim, fair, pretty, well-educated and religious?