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Answers with Tag: majority

I have had many disagreements with my wife and would like to know if I should issue a divorce?

Is it permissible to consume elephant meat?

Is facebook permissible for Islamic radio stations?

Does the Jumuah Khutbah have to be in Arabic?

Do we have to slaughter all 4 vessels (Food Pipe – Wide Pipe &Both Jugular Veins) to regard the animal as being slaughtered Halaal according to Shariah.

My right toe was dressed due to some injury, and I had intercource with my wife, How do I shall be able to offer prayer? I mean what is the right way to have “Ghusal-e-Janabat”?..

Alhumdllah I’m Hanfi, I been told by salafi that it is not right to fully answer salam to Bidati/innovaor as per ibn Baz shaikh. Is that true we shouldn’t we only say them wa alikum instead of walakum asslm wr wb?.

Where was prophet isa born?

As you know, here in pakistan, maulana sufi muhammad has lead the fight to bring the sharia to at least a part of pakistan. however he has made a statement that most ulama here especially in karachi feel he should not have made and they say it is his personal opinion and not a fatwa.

I took a wasta of Allah and his rasool that i will never talk to this man (who was earlier my friend )for ever , never talk on phone,no sms,no mails ,not to attend his call, i will never…

How can we find out the religion of dead woman body?

I was just wondering is it ok to read the quran online like an computer, ipods and such devices, i mean most of these stuff are usually used for alot of other things as well. i found

As a muslim in south africa i belive it very important that we vote. however the decision on which party to vote for is very important in terms of how we as muslims in this country…

I want to know the status of literature (poetry, folktales, etc.) in Islam. I heard from someone that poetry is forbidden based on hadith when Umar (ra) hit and rebuked someone…

For medical reasons, my doctor has asked me to shave my beard for treatment. Alhamdullah, I have never touched the hair on my face. So my question is, is it permissable?