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Answers with Tag: majority

Chancel Repair Indemnity Insurance

Designer Babies/Mitochondrial Replacement – Is it permissible?

Can you name your child Jibreel?

Hadya from Haram earnings

Beginning Time of Isha

Can you please explain in details what is the Aqeedah of Ismailis and are they Muslims or not?

Can a woman with afro-textured hair straighten her hair? Will it be considered “Alteration of Allah’s creation”?

Is it allowed to stipulate someone as a committee member of the masjid based on tribe/sect?

Can I say Bismillah and eat the food in the following situation?

What is the ruling of working for a software firm that provides software service to clients dealing in interest?

Does divorce take place by merely saying “you’re free to do as you wish”?

Aspects which are considered before determining the Shari’ah Compliancy of a job profile

Ribā in Darul Harb

Is it required to pay zakat on provident fund amount?

Are Muslims allowed to put funds into this scheme?