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Answers with Tag: maghrib

How many minutes before Esha is Maghreb Salaah still valid to pray?

Menstruation Ruling

I don’t want to do Hifz anymore. Can you advise me?

Praying Dhuhr late and Asr early due to work

Niyyah for Salaah

Is it permissible to pray two salah in single time?

What is the Hanafi view on eating kidneys etc and joining prayers?

Managing OCD and Wudu Doubts: My Struggle and Seeking Advice

Performing Sunnats and Nawaafil at home

Not going to the Musjid due to fear of being hijacked

Reciting wazifas on the prescribed time

Reciting Surah Mulk and Surah Sajda after Maghrib

Delaying the Salaah till the last time

Those times when performing sajdah-e-tilaawat is not permissible

Reciting from the qisaar-e-mufassal in Maghrib Salaah