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Answers with Tag: madrasa

The problem is, he says he said ‘talaq’ only 2 times while his wife says he said it three times!

I was recently told that it is not permissable to talk to Qadiyanis.

What to do in a case where one is invited to someone’s house or if a muslim gives you some food. Do we ask what their income is

I got confused about following fatwa, given by different mufti/scholars operating in different websites

Is Data manipulation using logic Halal

. Plz explain me with Quran and Hadis (1) the education of women in islam ?(2) HIJAB (PARDA) of women in islam?

One group of muslim are those who love me too much, but they go to JAHANUM,

We’ve been married for just over seventeen years and he will not pray his namaaz or read the quran sharif. Almost everyday i tell him to pray

1. May I work in a company as their agent, taking the whole responsibility of problems with clients.


Ven if a lawyer knows that his client is guilty, he has to lie or present facts in a way to save his client’s life. Is this a sin in Islam?

I want to ask about the job in bank? is it haram because of interest actitivities in bank?

Working in Auction business or buying from auction permissible? beting Allowed in Islam

Is it Halal/Haram? to buy & sell the new iraqi dinar to make a profit on the currency value over a period of time.

Is it permissible, to stand for presidency with a fellow muslim on a College Student Council?