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Answers with Tag: madinah

Celebrating eid meeladun nabi

Plz answer detail.What exactlyRASOOLULLAH SAWtrade business in-in Makkah,Madinah,for Hazrat Kahdijah RA,with his uncles,etc.Was there 1 specific product such as clothing,land,livestock etc?As agent?

I would like to know whether it is permissible to go inside the dead sea for the medical benefits?

Is it shirk to believe that the Prophet (saw) is haazir wa naazir? Isn’t this the belief of Shah Waliyullah Dhelvi?

Are the Baraelvis a subset of Sufis? Seems like they call themselves followers of ‘Traditional Scholars’ or ‘Traditional Islam’. What is the difference between Sufis and mainstream Muslims?

1. What is the Aqeedah of Ahle Sunnah Wal Jummah regarding Tawasul.

Can you tell me the meaning and also if its OK to keep the name Laila for my daughter?

Is money earned by arranging musical concerts halal or haram?

Is there a Hadith that describes the person who will first fight the Dajal.

Can one use haram money to make umra?

1)Please suggest some dua so that i can go abroad preferably to Madinah/Jeddah/USA/UK for doing job as a software engineer.I work as software engineer.

How can I find out more about the ansar? I want to learn about the ansar and madinah.

Do you study to become a qaadhi…and under who would you study?

1). If you go to hajj from a different country how do you calculate if you are a musaafir or not, because do you look at the fact you are resident in another country

1. I realize that I recited Alhamdu surah alone and not an additional surah. 2. Which mad-hub follows in Masjid al-Haram and masjidun-nabawi?