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Answers with Tag: job

Can a person with no halal income skip salah and still be a Muslim?

Is market research on alcoholic beverages valid per Shariah?

Is Job Placement Service income halal or haram?

Does my mother approve of me marrying a divorced woman?

What prayers can I recite for job, loan, protection, worry, task, and waswasa?

Is it permissible for my friend to take a loan to send his parents on Hajj?

Is it legal for a man to remarry without providing for his first wife and child?

Need to complete iddah for mutual talaq without physical relations?

How can I improve my earnings?

Is it permissible to use the money earned by teaching sponsor’s kids for the household, especially when your daughter is also teaching there?

Is it permissible to offer Namaz while wearing semen discharged clothes?

Have I done something wrong by using salary I received after leaving a job without notice?

Is it possible for me to take my daughter’s contribution for performing Hajj?

Is changing sales figures to avoid Sales Tax haram, even if it’s common practice?

Who gets what property from a father’s estate?