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Answers with Tag: Intercourse

Talaq to a woman who has not had intercourse with her husband

I recently heard in a lecture that a person that engages in fortune telling , their salaah will not be accepted for forty days… My concern and confusion is that some molanas often give u advice by looking into the Qur’an and seeing if something is good for u . Example a friend of mine got proposed, her parents went to a moulana to “see” if the guy was compatible. The moulana looked into the Qur’an and told her parents That if they marry thier daughter off to that guy then their marriage will not last , they will get divorced. My question Is , firstly how does the moulana see into the Qur’an and can tell what will happen in the future ? Isn’t it fortune telling? Secondly ,what if a couple is compatible with things being positive after istikaarah is read and they are told by a moulana that their marriage won’t last. Must they make nikkah or forget each other ?

I have OCD and miss my salah because I’m constantly taking showers after using the washroom. What should I do?

I’m afraid my fiance will find out my previous relationship. What should I do?

I Felt a Moment of Sexual Pleasure Without Ejaculating; Do I Need to Perform a Ritual Bath (ghusl)?

What is the Ruling of Two Women Masturbating in Front of Each Other?

Does Islam Condone Bestiality?

Does a Female Orgasm Experienced Without Intercourse Necessitate a Ritual Bath?

Not Sure if my Cycle was Finished: Should I Fast Two Months for Expiation Because I Broke my Fast?

Making Ghusl After Continual Exiting of Sexual Fluids

Sexual Relations After Marriage Contract Yet Before Wedding Ceremony

Do we have to check for sources of whey powder? What is the definition of Khalwat Sahihah?

Performing intercourse with all four wives simultaneously

I have been told that masturbation is allowed as long as it stops you from having intercourse. Is this correct?

Birth Control