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Answers with Tag: Intercourse

Intercourse in the bathroom

Does one have to remove dry mucus before the Fardh ghusl?

Husband giving Talaq to his wife in anger

Rujuu of two talaqs

The Sunnah method of issuing a Talaq

If one has a sticky fluid come out of him during ghusl is he obliged to repeat the ghusl

If a woman had intercourse and before she could have her ghusl she started her periods can she delay the ghusl until she finishes her periods

If a man unintentionally touches his daughter does Hurmat Musaaharah take place

Iddah for a pre pubescent after divorce

Saying Talaq without knowing the consequences of it

Removing unwanted hair whilst fasting and starting the fast in state of janabah

Problems with chronic vaginal discharge

Preferred times to have sexual intercourse

Would the marriage still remain valid if the husband committed adultery with his ex wife

Can a husband and wife have intercourse during the first 10 days of Muharram