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Answers with Tag: imaam

Why is Imam Abu Hanifah called Abu Hanifah?

What should the imam and maqtadi do if a third person joins?

Can a munfarid become an imam if someone joins them during salah?

Does a woman get extra reward for covering her feet and hands when leaving the house?

Request for dua and help for brother in trouble with Muslim gang. Prayers for all Muslims’ health.

Are you a Hayaati or Mamaati Deobandi?

How can I pursue marriage without the help of my community or family?

Is bounty halal despite containing haram ingredients?

1) What is the status of the imam’s dua after taraweeh salah?

Is collective dua after namaz with imam bidah?

1) Deoband madrasah and taweez in Indian subcontinent history. 2) Reason for Deoband Alims to identify as Ulma e haq?

Why were men, women, and children allowed to view the Prophet’s face after his death?

Can I marry a modern girl who doesn’t want to cover her face and work with men in a public hospital?

Status of First Azan in Shari’ah and Four Schools of Thought?

Did Muhammad have Asma bint Marwan killed for criticizing him?