Home » Posts tagged 'imaam' (Page 31)

Answers with Tag: imaam

Wiping Over Socks: Permissible or Not?

What is Takbeer-e-Ula?

Qadha Namaaz: Fact or Fiction?

Realizing that one is not a Musaafir

Refusing to perform Salaah behind the Imaam

Performing Salaah with one’s eyes closed

Blood flowing out of the wound

Moving the Imaam’s musalla a few saffs back when the crowd is less

Reserving a specific place for someone in the musjid

Should the Muqtadi recite qiraat behind the Imaam

Performing Salaah behind an Imaam who wears his trousers below his ankles

Does the Imaam have to recite ” Rabbana lakal Hamd”?

Imaam performing the Salaah without wudhu

Following the Salaah in the Haram from the hotel jamaat khanas

The Superiority of Sand Touching the Body of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)