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Answers with Tag: Ibn Hajar

Eyebrows & Hair Removal

The creation of Adam Alayhis Salam

Sunnah way of wearing shoes

Spreading the feet the distance equal to four fingers when standing

Solution to marriage over the phone

Mubahalah between Ibn Arabi and Hafiz Ibn Hajar

Marrying a pious person

Kafaah in Marriage

Dua during the Khutba

Dua at Grave


Azan at the time of Burial

Is it permitted to condemn those who allow dancing during sufi gatherings as people such as Shaikh Izz Ad Din allowed it and the vast majority of the Shafi Fuqaha

Regarding attending mixed gatherings, or un-islamic functions hosted by our relatives, if we don’t attend, the ties get severed, and relationships stand broken. What to do?

Did Prophet (SAW) at any time stopped Sahaba (RA) to writing the Ahadiths and said that You have the Quran