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Answers with Tag: Ibn Hajar

Can you please mention a hadith or quranic verse specifying that non-zabeeha meat is haram ?

How did the holy prophet take the black seed ( in milk or taken alone?), also how did he take honey?.

3. The tawba of Adam (AS) was not being accepted until he asked tawba in the name of Mohammadur Rasoolallah.

1. What is the Aqeedah of Ahle Sunnah Wal Jummah regarding Tawasul.

Confused. question (Q3005) deals with whether Fazail-Amaal contains fabricated hadith. (Q9044) deals with a Hadith that is in Fazail-e-Amaal – questioner is warned from quoting fabricated ahadith

You have given the fatwa that the 15 hadith regarding the punishment of neglecting prayer is fabricated, but this hadith is found in fazail e amal.

Regarding Q# 3530 and Q# 5159. Both the questions have different methods of cutting one’s nails. Please clarify which is mustahab, or are they both mustahab?

Did Warqa Bin Noofal accepted Islam?

How old was Hazrath Salman Farsi R.A when he accepted Islam. At what age did he pass away .

Are there any Ahadith that indicate that recitation of Surah Muzammil will cause prosperity or happiness?

Validity of Hadith … “A man named Numan ibn thabit and called Abu Hanifa will appear and will revive Allah ta’ala’s Religion and my Sunnah.”

First of all what did Prophet (pbuh) mean by ‘kitaabat’?

What is the minimum number for establishment of salat-ul-jumm’ah – are there any circumstances for exemption (rukhsa)? A detailed answer appreciated

What madzhabs did imaam Muslim, Abu Dawud, Trimizi, Bukhari,and Ibn Majah follow?

Is wiping the back of the neck in wudhu bid’ah?