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Answers with Tag: Ibn Abidin

Is it stealing to pick fruits from trees on private property?

Praying at home with wife, is that considered a jamah?

Tarawih: Is it a confirmed sunna to complete the Qur’an in tarawih prayers?

If qurbani is wajib, is one required to make qada for neglecting this obligation in the past? I

RE: Fatiha in last rakahs of fard prayer

Urinating Standing  

An Objection to Long Trousers?

Setting Pay-by Dates on Loans?

Giving a Poor Student of Knowledge More Than a Nisab Worth of Zakat

Praying In T-Shirt, head Uncovered, Long Shorts

Is zakat due on funds kept as a trust for one’s child?

Do I have to Make-Up Prayers because of not distinguishing between individual and group prayer?

Stuffed Animals: Are they allowed?

Wiping Face After Dua: Sunna Not Bid`a 

Is it permitted for women to wear rings from other than gold and silver?