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Answers with Tag: Holy Prophet

Some people believe that the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasalam) is present every where.

Qurbani… a ritual to be performed

What is a Silsila?

Some questions.

I have two questions regarding to Sholat Hajat and Al-Mansoor, jazakallahu khairan katsiiraa.

Please give me the best suggestion to whom result we should consider … I did istikharah and I got positive result, but we also consult with a specialist, he did it and got the negative result

I have recently been crying alot especially when I either read or hear the Quran, or Islamic material. … Is there a particular reason for an invidual to feel such emotions?

What is Sunnah. Is it all the things that the prophet did or just the things he preferred.

There is a hadith that states ‘Laylatul Qadr in on one of the last ten uneven nights of Ramadaan. Is this an authentic hadith?

6701 My husband wants to become rich overnight, I am in trouble. that’s why he cheat the people and do all those things which our Prophet prohibited

Pakistani families follow “caste” system, (Kaum), Why is this wrong?

Why do you reject celebration of Milad-un-Nabi?

If accidently the Mazi falls on ones clothes or on the bedsheet?

Can you store pictures on computers?

Some Ulema say you can get benefit from reciting the names of MaShaikh in you Tariqah. If true please state evidence.