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Answers with Tag: Holy Prophet

It is permissible to apply antimony in the day ?

I heard that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) asked Jibreel (A.S.) which is better him or Jibreel (A.S.), him or the Holy Quran, him or the deen. Is there any hadeeth, and where is it?

Is wiping the back of the neck in wudhu bid’ah?

How should pages with Allah’s name, Prophet’s name, and Quranic verses be disposed of?

Why were the 4 Immams appointed and can we follow all their teachings?

What are the rewards of salaat?

Is Prophet Muhammad PBUH a NOOR, BASHAR, or Both according to you among the 73 sects?

Did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) state that Allah created his Noor before anything else?

Where is the connection between modesty and faith mentioned in the Hadith?

Is the hadith about the creation of Prophet’s noor authentic or used for fazail?

Are you a Hayaati or Mamaati Deobandi?

Is fasting in the last few days of Sha’baan forbidden by Prophet S.A.W?

Can we use condoms to delay having another child in Islam?

What does Islam say about engagement?

Why were men, women, and children allowed to view the Prophet’s face after his death?