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Answers with Tag: Holy Prophet

Did I dream of being called by Nabi Isa (AS) shortly before Fajr prayer?

Is it okay to keep the name Azan for a baby boy and Umme Kulsum for bay girl?

Is it halal to switch turns with another participant for a 4k benefit?

Why isn’t Allah answering my dua despite my faith, Quran recitation, and daily salah?

Why require women to touch elbows to ground in prayer despite hadith prohibition?

Why do some sects ban women from mosques while Ahl Hadith allows it? How should we respond?

Is it Sunnah to recite ‘Durood Ibrahim’ and ‘Allahumma Rabba Hadhihittammah’ when answering the call of azan?

Is this Sunnah or Bida’h to recite these prayers before sleep?

Is my nikah lawful if I married the person my father chose, despite my past?

Can Prophet Mohammed SAW’s name justify slaughter? Quran/Hadith evidence?

Is options trading in forex halal or not?

Can I marry my cousin if my aunty has not given her milk?

Can I 3rd talaq if wife doesn’t change after 2nd & how to take her back if she does?

Qiblah direction: exact or slight change?

What is the Hadith reference for the three signs of a hypocrite?