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Answers with Tag: goat

Omitting the Tawaaf-e-Widaa without a Shar’iee Excuse

Woman not Cutting Hair in Hajj

Ihraam and Types of Visa

Can a goat be made as qurbani for a new born baby?

Two Intentions in One Qurbani Animal

Umrah Tawaaf While Menstruating

Minimum Age of Qurbani Animal

I am going on umrah but just found out I am pregnant. If for some reason I have miscarriage is it possible to do umrah and pray Salaah? If I have any kind of bleeding could I contuine with my umrah and prayers?

Entering Meeqaat without Ihraam

Can a man sacrifice a sheep or goat after the death of his parents for them for reward?

Are Women Allowed to Wear Synthetic Hair?

Giving Qurbani (udhiya, the ritual slaughter) in another country for past obligations

Is Whey Haram?

RE: Impermissible prayer beads (misbahas)?

Wigs and false hair