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Answers with Tag: foetus

Is miscarriage due to jinn?

Objection by an atheist upon Islam

Abortion in Islam

Using Condoms and Contraceptives

Abortion and Pregnancy out of Wedlock

Contraception in Islam

Conditions for Contraception

I am going on umrah but just found out I am pregnant. If for some reason I have miscarriage is it possible to do umrah and pray Salaah? If I have any kind of bleeding could I contuine with my umrah and prayers?

Sin for Abortion

When is Having an Abortion Permitted?

When Does the Soul (ruh) Enter the Foetus?

Can we use medicines to avoid child birth, having fear that we can’t make Adal (balance) between our excess childrens regarding their Tarbiyyat?

Is it possible to find out the sex of the unborn child,(ultra scan) during pregnancy?

1.Can you please explain to me the creation of a human according to islam. 2)Is beard mandatory

One of your answers to a question says the soul is put into the fetus in the 4th month, could you give me the Hadith that says this, since I was told that the soul is inserted on the 3rd month.