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Answers with Tag: etiquettes

Covering head whilst reading Quran

Can you take the Quran to the graveyard?

Are there certain days where we cant cut our nails

It is permissible to touch or read Quran from a phone or i-Pad without Wudu?

I read that the word ‘InshaAllah’ should not be used while making Dua. Can you please explain to me what this means?

Do I have to always make dua formally like with wudhu, starting and ending with durood, sitting and raising hands etc.?

Is it allowed to do swimming in a pool where there are families sitting outside the pool. no ladies inside,

Things allowed btwn husband and wife

What is the best of asking dua after salat as i read in hadith that we should not exceed boundries while making dua

After I pray istekhara Salat and Du’a can I have humbistar with my wife.

1. What is the Aqeedah of Ahle Sunnah Wal Jummah regarding Tawasul.

What is the correct sexual intercourse position that should be used in Islam?

Please answer mufti sahab .

What dua or surah must be read to find a good marriage partner ? Please give references to locate surah/dua.

Should Muslims in America do Hijra?