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Answers with Tag: enemies

What is the importance of the 22nd day of the month of Rajab?

What is an effective dua for victory over enemies, punishment for those who have caused harm, and justice?

What did my husband do when he saw the man and two dead bodies by the pond?

(1) Is MOHAMMED SABEEL ULLA your name? (2) Can you wear contacts for wudhu? (3) What’s shirk vs wasila?

What does it mean when I dream of standing on heights and seeing snakes that sometimes bite me?

Did Allah (SWT) protect me from the python’s bite, even though I felt no pain or unconsciousness?

Questions from a Christian

Achieving Taqwa

Why are apostates killed?

It is really paining me to see what the enemies of Islam are doing to Muslims. I would like to know how to avenge the muslims?

Mans limbs and organs giving evidence after resurrection

One brother ask to interpret his dream : He was lying down after Fajr next to his wife, finishing his tasbihat, and he was fallen asleep and saw in a dream a very big snake

Is it permitted to condemn those who allow dancing during sufi gatherings as people such as Shaikh Izz Ad Din allowed it and the vast majority of the Shafi Fuqaha

I wanted to know that is it allowed in Islam to help non-Muslims? For example we send sadqas and money to help Muslims around the world like the earth quake victims or the African Muslims

I need to know whether we should boycott Denmark’s products like Nido Milk Powder, Anchor Milk Powder and Lurpark Cheese,