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Answers with Tag: ejaculation

Cure for Masturbation

Kissing whilst fasting

Ejaculating into wife’s anus as part of foreplay

Does Kissing your wife in the mouth break your fast. If so, is there Kaffarah?

Urinary Drops

What is meant by a wet dream?

Conjugal relations whilst fasting

Ejaculating during kaffaarah by view erotic content

Seeing Rasulullah ﷺ , Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb (Hafizahullah)

Could you give a basic guideline as to when does one need to make qadha’ only for a broken fast, and when does one need to give kaffarah along with the qadha’?


Hurmat-e-Musahirat – Inappropriate Touching

Effect of Nocturnal Emission on Fast – Wet Dream

Are the following narrations from Ihya al-Uloom of Imam Ghazzali authentic?

Masturbation whilst fasting