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Answers with Tag: education

Doubting My Ability to Suceed Due to Insults from Family and Friends

What is the difference between a university style islamic education versus a traditional one?

Are my parent’s distribution during their lifetime valid?

Recommendations for distance learning Islamic education programs

Is a marriage valid after the third talāq?

Making up missed prayers

Student Loan

My younger sister has left home and has befriended a Kaffir, what do we do Islamically?

Working as an Actuarial Scientist for an insurance company.

Is it ok to hurt a person in this case to please Allah?

Pension for teachers

Can a second Jumu’ah Salaah be performed?

Quran Competitions

Tableegh to non-Muslims

Is it permissible to pursue ‘ilm with my father’s money even though he would not approve of it?