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Answers with Tag: eating

Can We Donate Rewards from Non-Direct Forms of Worship to the Deceased?

Eating the food of a person who puts taweez in the food

Eating food distributed in the musjid

Shark Meat: Permissible or Forbidden?

Eating food that was sent by Muslim neighbours who are not particular with salaah

Covering the head while eating

Splendour on one’s face on account of performing salaah

Eating food from a factory that prepares pork based items

Swallowing blood from a cut

Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)’s meal times

Muslims and Insects: A Dietary Prohibition

Eating Insects in Islam: Permissible or Prohibited?

Kaffaarah for breaking a fast of Ramadhaan

Sitting in a place where pictures of animate objects are being viewed

Eating products with alcohol based flavours