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Answers with Tag: desire

Is it permissible to use immoral language for nafs and shaytān ?

Would it be harām to tell the older sister that you like the younger sister?

Do I have the right to ask for Khula’

I am experiencing marital disputes and physical abuse. I cannot take it anymore and now I am considering divorce. Please advise me.

Does a divorce take place if the husband and wife have not had intimate relations for 5 years?

Advice on marriage and problems with masturbation

I have been trying so hard to rid of this bad act for so long. I really want to change myself and return to good health and be a better person, What can i do and how can i change my life around?

If a husband eronously touches his daughter, unintentionally instead of his wife , sleeping on bed where his wife is sleeping for intercourse with his wife can make his wife haram on him according to Islami shariah.

If my boss comes in my room i have to stand up in his honour i have heard that it is not permissiable according to islamic sharriah

I would like to know what are the sunna to follow for my wife, so that she becomes more beautiful. Is there any dua or sunna we have to make so that my wife become more beautiful?

I am a 19 year old boy and I have a problem which is that I masturbate alot…I have a problem that is throughout the day mazi (or wadi I am not sure, it is a whitish substance)

Is it permissible to specify one of two days in a given week to keep the fast of nadhr (vow)?

Is engagement permissible in Islām? If yes, what are the practices that you are able to do while engaged?

Bay’ah with Mufti Ebrahim Desai

1. what are the signs of puberty in girls..Is it obligatory that all women experience seminal discharge since …2.what are the signs by which a women can identify that the discharge is semen?